2018 Womens March Fort Worth, Texas
Joel Fryar, Committeeman, SDEC - Texas Senate District 9

Values We Share!


  • Community Based Organizing

  • Democratic Political Activism

  • Progressive Philosophy

  • Pragmatic Approach

  • Inclusive Unity Across SD 9

The Platform



Gwenn Burud, 2018 State Senate Candidate, Texas SD 9

From the first time I met Joel at precinct chair training, he was determined to return democracy to the people. He’s proven this with his commitment to always showing up to invest time and effort in us. His record of working with all Democrats toward the common goal of turning Texas blue is why he has my support for Senate District 9 Committeeman.

Caroline Sherman, House District Coordinator, Texas HD 98 Leadership Committee, TCDP

I met Joel in the summer of 2017, when he was contacting Precinct Chairs in the area to start working together. This innovation of Precinct Chairs working together to achieve the goal of electing more Democrats has now been replicated across Tarrant County. Joel was elected to his current position by Democrats in Senate District 9 who recognized that Joel has the skills and knowledge needed to help the Texas Democratic Party meet it's goals in 2020 and beyond. Please re-elect Joel so he can continue in his mission to help all Democrats in Senate District 9 and across Texas.

Debra Edmondson, 2020 State House Candidate, Texas HD 98

I am happy to endorse Joel Fryar for Committeeman for Senate District 9. He has done a wonderful job of promoting activism and building the party for the last two years.  I look  forward to working with Joel to help elect democratic state representatives and a democratic state senator for District 9 in the next few years.

Karen Thompson, Volunteer Coordinator, TCDP

I endorse Joel Fryar for TX Senate 9 Committeeman. Joel has served in this position and has been innovative, motivating, and inspiring. It has been my pleasure to work with him in the trenches in Senate 9 and Tarrant County Democratic Party. Joel is devoted to the Democratic Party and is the epitome of a Leader!

Andrea Rader, House District Coordinator, Texas HD 94

I first met Joel on a chilly January day in 2017 where he walked me, very patiently, through the finer points of voter registration (I was a newbie then). Joel is an inspiration. His work ethic for his HD and to the people of his precincts, district, county and state are limitless, and it's always a pleasure to work with him. I pick his brain often and heartily endorse Joel Fryar!

Marty Lanier Hoag, Precinct Chair, Pct 3387

Joel's my political organizing mentor...and many other people's too! Dems in Tarrant County and Texas continue to need and rely upon his smart tireless leadership. Joel will ALWAYS have my support.
Thank you, Joel, for giving so much of yourself to the "cause." You're a Rock Star

Trina Nosenzo, Precinct Chair, Pct 4528

I’ve worked side by side with Joel for years now and know how deep his commitment to our party and to our community runs.  He is the right choice to represent SD9. 

Fran Noakes, Precinct Chair, Pct 3063

Joel is the most dedicated and the hardest worker I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. We Democrat’s are lucky to have him. I’m sure glad he’s not on the other side!

Wendy McGahey, Precinct Chair, Pct 3333

I am happy to endorse Joel Fryar for Committeeman for Senate District 9. He has done a wonderful job of promoting activism and unity for the past two years and I look forward to seeing our party’s continued growth under his leadership.

Karen Cooper, Democratic Neighborhood Leader, Pct 3041

I endorse Joel Fryar for Committeeman SD9 . He is highly motivated and builds enthusiasm in the Dem Party. He has been highly effective recruiting and mentoring Precinct Chairs. He leads by example and delivers results.

Janet Brown, Lead VDVR, Voter Registration Initiative-Tarrant (VRI-T)

Joel was instrumental in establishing a coordinated effort for voter registration in Tarrant County. While helping to establish Voter Registration Initiative (VRI-Tarrant), he began organizing his precinct. From there he coordinated with other precincts until there was a coordinated effort within his House District. He understands the issues, the political landscape, and the community. He doesn’t just organize and delegate. You’ll find Joel block-walking, registering voters at marches and rallies, and phone banking. He is dedicated like few others. If I could, I would vote for him.

Nora Hobbie, Volunteer, Texas HD 91

Joel has worked tirelessly on Voter Outreach. He's out knocking on doors at every opportunity and listening to the citizens of SD 9. He's recruited numerous precinct chairs.
Joel has also made great strides toward making the party work with and for its members and candidates. He's willing to adopt any new tool if it is effective and can coax utility out of the nearly any technology.
Joel's work ethic and flexibility make him an excellent asset for the party and SD 9.


Esther Sevier, Democratic Neighborhood Leader,

Joel is dedicated, knowledgeable, strategic, organized, and just tireless in working for Democratic campaigns. I've had the honor of volunteering with him on many block walks for Jeromey Sims for this Texas HD91 campaign. With Joel say the helm, you are in great hands. He'll steer you in the right direction every time.

Greg Noone, House District Coordinator, Texas HD 99 Precinct Leadership Committe

Joel is a tireless advocate for the Senate District, Tarrant County Democratic Party, and the Texas Democratic Party. His contributions at the state and local levels are countless. He is a resource we are truly lucky to have., and as House District Coordinator for Texas House District 99, I can endorse Joel for reelection as SDEC 9 Committeeman without reservation.

Jamie Downing, Campaign Staff, 2018 Texas SD 9, 2020 Texas HD 91

Joel Fryar is an excellent example of a tireless volunteer who works for the advancement of the party. I’ve worked with him on two campaigns, and his willingness to help candidates, block walk every chance he can, lead voter registration efforts, and training other volunteers has been invaluable. Working with him on Gwenn Burud’s campaign, he helped us craft our field strategy for Tarrant and Dallas Counties, making sure we had all the data we needed to run our campaign. I am proud to endorse my friend and fellow volunteer Joel Fryar for SD9 Committeeman.

James Lappin, Precinct Chair, Pct 3647, Campaign Data Manager, Texas HD 93

I am proud to have worked alongside Joel in getting out the democrat vote and turning Texas blue. Joel has worked tirelessly to recruit more precinct chairs and get them involved in organizing. He has my heartfelt endorsement because I know not only will he work hard, but he has been instrumental in getting his district more organized and effective. If we want to turn Texas Blue, we need more people like Joel.

Diane Castro, Precinct Chair 3554, Communications Committee TCDP

Joel Fryar--activist, leader, friend. He inspired me to become a precinct chair and increase my commitment to turning Texas blue. In the last two years his blue beret was omnipresent at club meetings, TCDP events and public protests. From registering voters on the street to TCDP Leadership Committee, Joel was there organizing and building our base. As we close in on the most important election of our lifetime, I want the man with the local experience and established contacts, the man whose's heart and soul are blue. Join me in voting for Joel Fryar for SD9 Committeeman.

Susan Read, 2018 Senate District 9 Member State Platform Committee

I am writing today to provide my Endorsement of Joel Fryar for SD-9 Committeeman!!

As you consider the candidates, please know that Joel is a dedicated public servant, a lifetime Democrat and is committed to leading Senate District 9 for the next two years. When your electronic ballot arrives on May 31, 2020, you will have until June 2nd to e-mail it back!!  When you do, I hope you will VOTE for our fellow lifetime Democrat ~ Joel Fryar for SD-9 Committeeman!! 




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